Anyway, these woods were populated by some pretty silly Pokemon and as well as battling members of Team Plasma I took this chance to train up ma Poke-mons in the wild. On I went and eventually I came upon the guy who had taken the Dragonite skull. I cut him down to size and he'll no doubt think twice before jerking around with skull stealers again, boy howdy he will.
I also had to deal with a drag queen called Ghetis who I had met once before. Whenever I see him he always comes right up to me and gets all in my grill. He has no concept of personal space and I find him creepy. He's a bit of a nut-job, so I ignored him and made for the forest exit.
This lead me to a bridge. A big, fuck-off, 3D bridge!! It took, FOREVER to cross. I mean, once the DS has shown off it's ability to construct a 3D, curly bridge and I've been on it for 3 minutes, that's enough. And their idea of bustling traffic going underneath the bridge consists of one, green topped truck that seems to be the only vehicle in the entirety of the Unova region. Anyway, there were no bikers hanging around to battle, as would be in-keeping with most Pokemon bridges. I got across eventually, with my running shoes worn thin and descended into Castelia City.
This was all too overwhelming for me. Honestly, by Pokemon standards, it was too big, there were too many people to talk to, so I went and skulked around a Pokemon Centre for an hour. I wanted nothing to do with it.
When I came out, I just went up an alley way, ignored everyone and went into the desert. Here I finally found two, brilliant looking Pokemon that I was determined to catch. They were, BOOM:
Darumaka (who I called Hugo)

See, this guy is great, because right, he's a fire Pokemon, which I needed, and also, it's sort of in the shape of an egg. So you can't say fairer than that really. I like how in Pokemon Black & White the Pokemon all have this sort of gif. like movement AND as a side-note here, they also close their eyes if they are put to sleep......I sound like a child with a doll.
The next great Pokemon I caught was, BOOM:
Scraggy (which I called Chuckles)

First of all, my nicknames are great. Second of all, Scraggy is great, because it keeps trying to pull its trousers up, right, but it can't. I just like Pokemon who look the right side of ridiculous, which these two do.
I was expecting a ground type or something here, but Scraggy is extremely useful as a Fighting & Dark type. Well worth catching also, because later when you fight the "Elite" Four, you will find that a Fighting/Dark type will pretty much win against everyone on its own.
So now I had five Pokemon (which is plenty to be getting on with). Eventually I wandered back into Castelia City. But I didn't want to.
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