Just as I tried to turn down Route 3, those bestest friends of mine, Cheren and Bianca turn up, bleeting on about some kid and some thieves and so on. Bianca, who has been designed as just a bit too much of a weiner for my taste, stays with this kid who has had their pokemon stolen and Cheren and I are supposed to pursue Team Plasma to Wellspring Cave. Now, I'd already been over there a few minutes ago and caught my first and my second Pokemon, a Roggenrola and a Woobat. Roggenrola, because knowing Pokemon, something so poo and small will become good. Woobat, because it looks just the right shade of ridiculous. Funny, but not desperate. Anyway, I didn't much fancy heading back that way, but however many times I tried to go the way I wanted, Bianca must have summoned some sort of super-human strength or shown me her bazongas or something because try as I might, I was not allowed to go the way I wanted. So I had to go and help Cheren.
While there seemed room for a double-battle here, the game instead opted to make me fight slowly through these two Team Plasma goons, along with Cheren who I don't think did much.
I wonder why it is that Team Plasma, an organisation who must be spread across Unova, find it only ever worth catching crappy old Patrats, who are essentially jumped up Rattatas who automatically learn Bide. I want a challenge, why doesn't Team Plasma try and seduce trainers like me? There's no point in them using Bide when I can knock them out in one or two moves. Idiots.
Anyway, it was easy and a waste of time. We got the Pokemon back, gave it to the kid and was I on my way. I wandered around Route 3 for a long time, training up my new Pokemon, Greta and Bongo. Good names. I didn't catch a Blitzle, because I knew that literally everyone else would catch one. And I decided that I really hated Purrloin.

Eventually I got to Nacrene City. For some reason, everyone kept trying to sell me furniture I didn't need and it was full of back-packers and coffee shops. It was like Glastonbury, crossed with Pottery Barn...situated in Belgium. So, basically, it was awful. I went off to fight the gym leader, who was an embarassment and who used normal type Pokemon. Tougher than the firts gym obviously, but come on. Once again, I was left wondering how by this standard, Brock & Misty weren't in the Elite Four, given how tough they were in Red & Blue.
Anyway, when I came out some Team Plasma bastards stole a Dragonite skull. Guess who had to do something about it? Honestly, it was like dealing with the Hamburgler every two bloody minutes. "Oh, Chaz, could I ask you to go after them?" - what? No? It's not my bloody museum! Oh, and you want me to take the rubbish out and make the beds first I guess? No, sod off.

Anyway, I went and pursued them through some forest, but not before saving the game in the Pokemon Centre.
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