I also came to this conclusion. I'm afraid that Pokemon Black & White were...quite disappointing. I'd go so far as to say that they were...very disappointing? In fact they proved correct the people who claim that Pokemon Red & Blue were the only Pokemon games worth owning. Not true. Not true, at least, until this version. When it comes to the newest version of the videogame, it seems enough to stick a pair of eyes on a brush and call it Brushy. Design and gameplay went out the window and in its place Game Freak seem to have focused on linking the Pokemon community into what seems a poorly designed social network, loosely affiliated with Pokemon (entralinks, dream worlds, c-gears, etc). Perhaps it would have worked, had this been done via some other medium, but the wireless internet support for the Nintendo DS has only ever been as reliable or widespread as that of the Gamecube, which as we know, was virtually non-existent.
As such, the game suffered. The Pokemon journey of each game needs to be interpreted differently by everyone who encounters it. There was no naming of your rival or real decision making in Pokemon Black & White, it was all laid out in the form of a linear RPG. Pokemon was always technically an RPG, but to inflict such a stringent storyline on the player robbed the game of its heart. What we got was a game geared to draw new players into the rules & concept of the thing and in turn to peddle the DS-i to us. By making the game far better suited to the DS-i by limiting those playing it on a regular DS was a pretty shallow move. You'll notice that the same thing did not happen during the jump between GBA & original DS.
With that fact in mind, I started a new file on Pokemon Fire Red, a game catridge lost to me until I recently found it in a dark, dank, hole. Much was my celebration. And what better time to start a new Pokemon file than when travelling abroad?
So prepare yourself, ye who are all faithful to Pokemon, for now shall be the accounts of everything you ever heald dear. Trainer Chaz revisits Pokemon Fire Red. Press start.

Reader! Your very own POKEMON legend is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with POKEMON awaits! Let's Go!
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