Apologies Pokefans [haha...pokefans...I'm slowly becoming an anime fan boy. A Faniboy. Ahem] Anyway, apologies Pokefans, for my lack of updates. Technical difficulties have resulted in my having no internet or laptop for some weeks.
But let's see what's happened in that time.
So your old pal Trainer Chaz has gone back to Kanto to gather his wits and I must say it's be lovely to breath in the refreshing air of Pallet Town once more. It beats Black City any day. I wandered into some tall grass with Mega-Blast, my Squirtle.
I walked through Viridian City and cleverly took a left to a patch of grass on Route 22 where I happened to be aware of some early rare Pokemon. I caught me a Mankey and called it Side-Kick, which I think you'll agree, is a rich play on words. It's a fighting Pokemon? Good, anyway, I then tried to go onwards to Viridian Forest, but every time I did so an old man tried to stop me and teach me how to catch Pokemon. Naturally the only way to stop him doing this was to run an errand for Professor Oak, so I ran a package down to him (yeah, you're welcome, maybe now you'll let me ride my bike indoors instead of popping into my head everytime).
Task done, I went on. I've adopted a policy of catching every Pokemon in an area before moving on, so I spent some time looking for a Pikachu, but neglected to put it in my squad because I happen to already have a pretty nifty Raichu called Zeno. God I'm cool.
So look, let's get to it; Brock. Brock didn't count on my Mankey being as deadly as it is awesome. A dangerous mistake to make Brock, because Mega-Blast and Side-Kick made short work of his Pokemon. Boulder badge in ma belly in ma belly.
Then it was on to Mount Moon. Caught a Jigglypuff and thought, yes, sure it's out there, but why not. The name is Love-Lost and it's just great.
Some guy tried to sell me a Majikarp outside Mount Moon, but I was onto his game. Nice try MATE, but I'm banking on a stranger giving me a fishing rod before the day is through.
There were some bozos in Mount Moon calling themselves Team Rocket. They were trying to bully a nerd into giving them one of his fossils. They presumed that I was going to do something about it and began to fight me. When I defeated them, the nerd gave me a fossil out of gratitude, which seemed odd, given that I was fighting so that he could keep them, sort of.
I noted also how nice it was to fight a group of terrorist criminals who only cared about blatant crime and crime alone, as opposed to battling with a group of idelogical, loon-bags.
I chose a dome fossil and came out of the mountain, having failed to catch a Geodude or Clefairy, so there goes that plan. Then I met two blokes who offered to teach my Pokemon how to Mega Punch and Mega Kick, which I took them up on, since these are bloody powerful moves to have with only one badge to your name.
Won on Nugget bridge and was offered the chance to join Team Rocket but declined. Met Bill and but he had somehow turned into a Pokemon. I helped him turn back. It was weird and disgusting. Then I went to back into Cerulean City to try and win a Cascade Badge. It was relatively challenging, but by this time Mega-Blast had learnt bite, which saw off Misty's Starmie which, as we all know, is a water and psychic Pokemon.
I won the Cascade Badge. As I left Cerulean City I had to cut through someones house. It had been broken into. While everyone was totally stumped, I found the criminal in the garden of the house and he decided to fight me with no provocation. I beat him, since he had the usual array of Rattatas and Koffings and Ekans. He returned the thing he stole, TM...18? Which was Dig. I went to return it to the house but the man said he no longer wanted it, which was weird, so I kept it.
Took an underground passage to Vermillion City, because the gate into Saffron City was blocked. From what I could understand, there was absolutely no problem other than the fact that the guard was thirsty. I wasn't sure why that meant I couldn't go through, but whatever. Anyway, I arrived at the Vermillion City Poke Center in one piece and a woman at the desk gave me a VS Seeker. I had no idea why she was handing out free electronics, but I accepted it because it's such a good tool.
Part Two coming relatively soonish.
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