"This is your WWAD band, you can use this in times of need to give you guidance. Just think, 'What Would Ash Do?' I recall very little from the Pokemon I have seen, so this may not actually be helpful, but it might make you smile"

And indeed, it did. Here is said band:

I think it's fair to say that currently, Ash Ketchum has had a greater impact on my life than Jesus has, given the exposure I have had to Pokemon over the Christian church. But now that I am wearing a gold wristband that genuienly does make me feel better, I wonder, what WOULD Ash do when confronted with more domestic problems than how to beat a duel Ground/Water type with only a Fire type for company (solution; if possible, teach it Grass Knot).
Problem: You are are rejected by a girl.
WWAD?: Always refusing to lose, Ash would demand a second chance at going out with said lady. If he failed in this, he would take stock and receive an important life lesson from a close mentor, confident that next time he would triumph.
Problem: You are invited to speak at the funeral of a person you can't remember.
WWAD?: Ash trusts in the heart of his Pokemon, at all times. Similarly, he would trust that despite his having no recollection of the departed, that the name would come to him. Ash is used to speaking in an aspirational way about winning and so he would talk about death in terms of it being in direct competition with life, to which there would be a standing ovation - the memory of that person will live on in our hearts, whoever they were.
Problem: You have caught an STD.
WWAD?: Pokemon centres only treat Pokemon. Ash would rely on his uncanny luck to stummble upon a wise woman, who would have a good knowledge of natural herbs and medicines. Ash therefore would remain in her care, whilst he sent two of his best chums off to look for a particularly hard-to-find ingredient to clear up that herpes. In short, where STDs are concerned, it's time to take a back seat and to rely on your luck and your friends.
Problem: You've just been robbed.
WWAD?: Ash would get all fired up, he would locate the criminal and commence on a mad pursuit of the subject on a bike/skateboard, whilst all the time looking for the most reckless and daring way in which to finally make the capture. Alternatively, Ash would set an eccentric trap which required him and Pikachu to dress up like an animal or a clown or something. Either way, once the criminal was caught, Ash would show leniance. After hearing the criminal's sob story about a starving family and crippling debts, he would probably build the family a new house and wave the criminal off as he departed. In short, the chase and capture are key - the punishment is non-existent.
I hope that examing What Would Ash Do? has helped you in your own life.
well this is excellent, this is natalie by the way... arg not meaning to be perpetually anonymous xx
ReplyDeleteI guessed so, haha