So as you'll recall, I largely ignored the bright lights of the big city and hung out in the desert a bit. However, I spied Cheren hanging around in the desert and, knowing him as I do, I thought he would probably (a) Rope me into thwarting Team Plasma or into getting a Skitty down from a tree, (b) Ponder with the nature of Pokemon battling and finally (c) would battle me. As such, I crept around the edges in some deep sand, catching Pokemon and battling until my squad was this ( I think):

Finally I went back into Castelia City for a gym battle. I didn't know where it was, there are too many sodding doors in this place. I ended up battling an office full of workers until finally discovering that the place was run by a wiley old janitor - or rather, the CEO liked to dress like a janitor. What is he, Princess Jasmine? Seriously. And what, were these guys all on a half day or something? I don't understand why it's ok for Office Worker Tiffany to say to me "Sure, I've got a little time to battle", when it's only midday. Hasn't she got paperwork to do? What kind of business is this, why didn't anyone say, "Yeah, sure, the CEO is right through there. Hm? Yes, that's right, he's the one with the mop". Anyway, it was all good experience. Also, in retrospect, it was called the "Battle Company" maybe I should have expected it. But honestly, their turnover in a recession must have been really low.
I finally found the gym at the other end of the city. The gym leader here was a fruit named Burgh who I had encountered a while back in Nacrene City. He was a total berk, who always seemed to turn up when all the action was over. He looked like Mika and minced around more than I liked for a Pokemon game.
OH, WHAT A BLOODY SHOCKER! I'm just about to walk into the gym when that berk Cheren bursts out of the door, blathering on about some sort of plot or event or...I dunno...I thought that he was in the desert for gods sake!...maybe I'm confused...anyway, that tit-head Burgh followed him out of the gym. Cue me chasing around the bloody place trying to find Burgh. This was pretty annoying, since I feel that he had a certain obligation to be at the gym. I wasn't surprised to find Burgh playing around down at the docks, but I was surprised to see him talking to a couple of girls. Bianca was there being an idiot and so was some chick called Iris - it has taken Pokemon ten years to have any kind of ethnic character whatsoever - welcome to the party Iris.
So, basically a Team Plasma grunt suddenly turns up, we're getting Bianca's Pokemon back because she idiotically had them stolen aaand, Burgh chases the guy to a building opposite his own gym (nice one Sherlock) and we all have a nice big fight, which is easily won and I'm there tapping my foot wondering why I cam back to this city and wondering when we can commence on a gym battle.

FINALLY. Everything settles down and I finally get into the gym. The walls in Burgh's gym were mysteriously covered in a sticky goo. It turned out to be honey and so slowly and with very little mental difficulty (remember how cunning old Lt. Surge was?) I broke through the various honey molds and gates that were on show as supposed obstacles. With both a fire and rock type in my squad, I made short work of the Castelia gym cronies.
Burgh dresses like a street entertainer, so I really wanted to beat him at Pokemon. As I said, my squad is rather well equipped to deal with his squad and I made short work of him (for those interested he has a Whirlipede, a Dwebble and a Leavanny). At last; I got...THE INSECT BADGE!

Whoopy doo. Still, I needed it for the Pokemon League. I awkwardly accepted a TM from Burgh, called Struggle Bug, which he seemed to love but which I knew couldn't have sucked more beans unless it was a TM specifically called Suck Beans. As such, I quietly tossed it into a nearby trash can as I left. I was looking forward to leaving this god forsaken berg.
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